Firstly, thank you for your patience since buying tickets for the LV= Insurance Test Match between England and New Zealand.
In uncertain times, it’s much appreciated but we are getting closer to finalising the attendance with Government and local authorities and we will be in a position to confirm things by the end of next week at the absolute latest.
We know that there is a fine line between letting people know where they stand, so they can make arrangements, and delaying a final decision so that we can work with the authorities to safely ensure that the maximum number of people can enjoy the return of live international sport as we continue to emerge from the lockdown.
Please do look out for news on the final attendance as the situation will be resolved next week.
Once again, thank you for your patience and we look forward to welcoming as many people as is safely possible to Edgbaston for a great showcase of international cricket.
Stuart Cain
Chief Executive