Personal details

Please state in the box whether you have any medical conditions that we should be aware of.
Please state in the box whether you have any dietary requirements or allergies.

Emergency contact details

(please obtain consent before sharing personal information)

Second emergency contact details

(please obtain consent before sharing personal information)

Cricketeer Role / Positions

We endeavor to ensure that volunteering at Edgbaston is a fulfilling experience for every cricketeer.

Edgbaston Cricketeers have a dynamic and exciting role (please see handbook for more details). Cricketeers get to experience a variety of positions across the season and may even perform more than one per shift.
Several posts require additional commitment such as early start, later finish, based off-site or delivering activations.

These specific roles are outlined below. Please consider the additional commitments and select the posts that you would be happy to do .

Cricketeers provide spectators with directions and help them have a safe journey home. Positioned at the stadium gates, entrances, and exterior periphery after the game. If you are friendly, attentive, and a strong communicator, this position is for you.

Cricketeers support stewards and National Express colleagues to advise spectators on the queuing system and drive interaction during their wait. Positioned on the gates before the game and shuttle bus queues after the game. If you are friendly, confident and attentive this position is for you..

Cricketeers welcome and direct guests to seating and amenities. This may include handing out giveaways. If you are friendly, confident and a strong communicator, this position is for you.

Cricketeers guide spectators with additional accessibility requirements on the journey to their seats ensuring they are familiar with facilities in their vicinity. If you are friendly and attentive, this position is for you.

Cricketeers engage spectators in interactive activations before and during the game. Positioned around the stadium and occasionally on the outfield before and during the game. 2024 will see the introduction of in-game flag bearers! If you are energetic, engaging, and confident, this position is for you.

Cricketeers support the National Express team at New Street Station to direct spectators to shuttle bus services between New Street Station and Edgbaston Stadium. Positioned at New Street Station before gates open and returning to the stadium after game start. Transportation to and from New Street is arranged by Edgbaston. If you are engaging, adaptable and confident, this position is for you.

Cricketeers should direct spectators to the Stadium. Positioned along the walking route between New Street Station and the Stadium before the game. If you are friendly, confident and a strong communicator, this position is for you.
