George Green has been awarded the Warwickshire Coaches Association Coach of the Year Award for 2023

George is someone who goes the extra mile and is a true hero at their club and in the cricketing community. Congratulations George!

George has been great to work with this year. He makes the participants feel like part of the team straight away and always makes sure everyone is included. He is very patient and allows players to develop at their own pace.

George has stepped up and lead the Coventry Super 1’s hub this year and it has been immensely successful. The number of participants has grown steadily and the number of returning players each week and month remains solid.

George, when not working at his day job at Sherbourne Fields Special school. He coaches the group on Monday evening, he is also found bringing the Coventry Super 1s hubs to numerous cricket festivals around the region. This season alone, George has arranged his group to play in Shropshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire.