We currently have 49 Clubmark accredited clubs in Warwickshire, with a number of clubs in the process of obtaining accreditation.

By registering, clubs commit to joining a growing collection of cricket clubs in Warwickshire, setting a standard for high-quality community club cricket. Clubmark also demonstrates that your club offers the necessary safeguarding across the club to protect its members and to provide parents and carers peace of mind about the standards at a cricket club.

The Warwickshire Cricket Foundation supports affiliated clubs by assigning a WCF Officer who will be available to assist and support them during the accreditation process.

To be eligible for Clubmark status, clubs must be able to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Club development plan
  • Club constitution
  • Club insurance
  • Evidence of committee meeting minutes, AGM minutes and club structure
  • Provide evidence of club bank accounts and annual accounts
  • Adoption of the ECB Safe Hands Policy and Anti-Discrimination Code
  • Compliance with the ECB Safe Hands Management System and the appointment of a Club Safeguarding Officer

Richard Evans Club Development Officer – If your club is interested in becoming a clubmark accredited club, please fill out the form above and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.