My role involves engaging with neighbours and local communities through different projects and events held at the stadium. This includes setting up a walking/social group for over 50s (social strollers), organising club events such as Eid prayers, Windrush celebrations and the annual Christmas service as well as getting involved in fundraising events.

I am also responsible for looking after our wonderful club volunteers (cricketeers) on match days to give fans the best match day experience whilst ensuring Edgbaston is welcome to everyone. Outside of work, I try and stay fit by playing football for a local women’s team which I love (apart from when it’s wet and cold) as well as travelling and eating all types of food!

Need to contact Esther? Click here.

Social Strollers has been a fantastic initiative aimed at bringing the local community around Edgbaston closer. The programme started again last month, if you would like to get involved and require more information please contact me.

Esther Lau-Mackaay

Esther Lau-Mackaay

Community Engagement Project Officer