Indoor Competitions

WCF’s indoor competitions are open to all Warwickshire schools, including state and independent.

We run our girls indoor cricket competitions at U13 and U15. Schools compete against other nearby schools. The winners of the group will advance to the county finals at Edgbaston. The winners of County Finals advance to regional finals, which have been hosted by the Warwickshire Cricket Foundation at Edgbaston for the previous ten years.

We run our boys indoor cricket competitions at U12, U13, U14, U15 and U19. In 2024, the Warwickshire Cricket Foundation will host a Chance to Compete U13 and U15 Boys competition as a plate final for schools that do not advance to county finals.

Outdoor Competitions

In 2023, WCF created a new softball outdoor cricket competition for state schools, allowing students who do not have cricket facilities or equipment to compete. The winners progress to the county finals. Over 20 schools entered the competition, showing the widespread interest in cricket among secondary schools.

WCF also run a girls state school U13 and U15 Chance to Compete competition. The aim is to develop schools who have a girls cricket programme, giving the girls opportunities to play against other schools in their local area and also other schools within the county. Winners of the County Finals, go through to regional finals, which have been hosted in Warwickshire for the past 5 years.

If you like to participate in either competitions, please email Zak Sinkinson.