I help to support community-based cricket programmes run by WCF and bring a wealth of experience in education, knowledge and coaching. Working across Warwickshire, I deliver cricket coaching in schools, community projects and street cricket. At the moment, I am also overseeing the core cities programme.

I am responsible for running the girl’s glow-in-the-dark cricket programme as well as ‘Bolly Cric-Hit’, a community programme which involves delivering sessions that are a fun mix of cricket, dance and fitness, initially aimed at women.

I am looking forward to the Vaisahki Cup in April. It’s fantastic to see so many smiles and laughs and hopefully, it will encourage children to play more cricket, which has many physical and mental health benefits.

Simran Riat

Simran Riat

Community Participation Officer

My top three passions are health, exercise, and well-being, particularly assisting women in reaching their goals. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Science, and I am a qualified primary school teacher and Level 3 Personal Trainer.

Need to contact Simran? Click here.