The Support Coach programme is the assistant coach provision for cricket coaching in England and Wales.

This programme is part of a strategic response to needing more assistant coaches on the ground able to inspire and develop players.

The programme makes becoming a coach much more accessible in terms of time commitment and cost. The course is designed to make taking your first steps onto the coaching pathway fun, interesting and engaging and enables candidates to make a real difference to their club and community.


A Support Coach is not qualified to lead coaching sessions independently and therefore must be supervised by a qualified cricket coach.

Key Content

  • Supporting coaches and players
  • icoachcricket
  • Communicating with coaches and players
  • Supporting fielding, bowling and batting
  • Safety
  • Differentiation

Coaching Bursaries

A bursary can be awarded to learners that register on ECB Support Coach, ECB Foundation Coach or ECB Core Coach programmes. We are currently updating the form for next year. Please check this page for updates.

Anyone wanting to access coach development that is experiencing financial hardship will be awarded a bursary of up to 100% of the national price of the programme.

Anyone wanting to access coach development that is female, from an ethnically diverse community, has a disability who is not experiencing hardship will be awarded a bursary of up to 50% of the national price of the programme.

Frequently Asked Question’s

What does the programme equip an individual to do?

This programme is designed to give learners the knowledge, skills and confidence to support qualified coaches. A Support Coach is not qualified to lead coaching sessions independently and therefore must be supervised by a qualified cricket coach.

What is the cost of the programme?

Learners will be charged £40.00 at the point of registration.

What is the minimum age for entry?

Learners can take the programme at 16 years of age.

What are the pre-requisites for certification?

  • Minimum 16 years old
  • Valid safeguarding training e.g. Safeguarding Young Cricketers or Safeguarding for Coaches and Activators
  • Valid ECB DBS
If you have any questions regarding upcoming courses and how to sign up for ECB Support Coach, please use the form below.