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Go Green Game

In 2023, Edgbaston hosted its Go Green Game – our first ever sustainable international match.

For the IT20 against New Zealand on Sunday 3 September, the stadium used the fixture to underlined its green credentials during the previous 12 months. The Club had reduced waste by a third, running kitchens on 80 per cent locally sourced produce, rolling out a low-energy LED light project, and continued use of e-cups that’s prevented 562,000 plastic alternatives being wasted.

Initiatives deployed for the Kiwis’ visit further drove down emissions and the match’s carbon footprint, whilst also raising sustainability awareness amongst fans and the wider community.

Read the Net Zero Now report summary from the fixture.
Read the full report here.

We want to raise awareness amongst staff, spectators and our community of the influence the sporting and event industry can have on sustainability and climate change.

Lydia Carrington

Sustainability Manager


Free Public Transport

National Express West Midlands offered free transport across their network.


Renewable Energy

Electricity for this match came from 100% renewable sources.


More Recycle Bins

We’re asked supporters to think green and recycle as much as possible.