Visiting Edgbaston

Plan your trip to Edgbaston with our route planner at the bottom of this page to make your trip as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Gates usually open 2 hours before the start of play, however do allow enough time for your journey and getting into the stadium, the surrounding area can be extremely busy near the start of the match

View the Edgbaston stadium map here.

Food and drink

Edgbaston is renowned for its award-winning food and drink offering on match days. What ever your taste, there will be something for you, with a variety of options including vegetarian, vegan, halal and gluten free.

Reusable e-cups have been in place at Edgbaston since 2016. Spectators will pay a £1 deposit for their e-cup with their first drink. Every subsequent drink will be poured into a clean e-cup and when the spectator has finished drinking, they can either keep the e-cup as a souvenir or return it to an e-cup refund point in exchange for their deposit.

Accessibility services

Our Membership and Ticket Office team are here to help our guests have the most enjoyable time possible when they visit Edgbaston.

Subsequently we work closely with our stewarding team and customers to ensure we fully understand the unique needs of our visitors to make sure we provide a positive experience for all of our fans.

If you wish to discuss any particular needs you may have as a visitor please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on 0121 369 1994 or email

Get to the ground