From 11am to 1pm most Wednesdays, there will be open nets and a bowling machine available which will be overseen again by WCCC Cricket Centre coach, Chris Barnes.

You will have the chance to learn the basic techniques of batting and bowling and experience facing a bowling machine just like the pros do.

We welcome you to come along and try it out. The two hour session will cost £5 per person which you can pay on arrival. Please come ready changed in sports clothing. There is some batting equipment you can borrow but please bring along any kit you may have.

The first session will take place on Wednesday 5 October and will run until Wednesday 14 December. Please note: There will be no open session on 12 or 26 October due to prior bookings.

If you have any questions and want to express your interest please call the Cricket Centre on 0121 446 3633 or email