New Club Captain Alex Davies has only been in post a few days, but the Memberships team have already got him to work.

Taking time out of a busy first week, Davies hit the road and headed out into the community to meet and drop off the new Membership packs.

First up were Stephen and Susan Jackson, two passionate Bears fans, who have been Members for the past three years, but familiar faces for over 30. Susan was part of the St John’s Ambulance medical team who provide support on matchdays and she’s know enjoying a different view at Edgbaston.

Her one wish to Alex this year was to “beat Worcestershire”. I think we’ll all concur with that.

Alex’s second visit was to Archie Edwards and his grandfather Ian Frew. The pair are huge Bears supporters, with Ian bringing Archie to Edgbaston as much as he can around school.

Archie is a big fan of Alex and proudly wears a shirt, donated to him by the wicket-keeper, on matchdays. To thank Archie for his continued support, the Club has given him a complimentary Junior Bears membership.

While it’s not possible to visit all Members, we want to thank you for your support.

Memberships are currently being processed with the first batch sent out later this week. We hope you like them. All packs should arrive by the end of February so don’t worry if yours doesn’t arrive in the first instalment.

If you haven’t signed up, there’s still time! The Early Bird deadline ends next week, so there’s just seven days left to save on Membership for 2024.

2025 Membership

It’s an historic year for the Club in 2025, as Bears Men and Women will compete side-by-side. Bears together.

Join the journey with Memberships available, including 1882 Full Club (all domestic cricket), our new B5 White Ball (T20, 50-Over and The Hundred) and Junior Bears (U16s).

Buy Membership More Info