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After more than ten years, well respected Head of Communications Tom Rawlings will be leaving the Club at the end of May.

Therefore, the Club has taken the opportunity to reorganise the media department and is now looking to recruit a creative, pro-active Head of Media Relations & External Affairs.

This is a new role that sits within the Leadership Team, designed to reflect the changing media environment and the need for the Club to re-think the way it reaches a diverse range of audiences through the media and by building strong relationships with key local community, business and sporting groups.

We are after somebody that can totally re-think how we get cricket written about in the local media so that we can turn armchair sports fans in to Bears fans. 

Somebody that knows how to reach and secure coverage in the diverse selection of media now read in the communities that we serve.  Somebody that is happy to go out and represent the Club, dealing with local and national MPs, Councillors, business groups and local community groups.

The successful candidate needs to be creative, resilient and innovative. 

Proven experience of dealing with the media and putting together impactful campaigns is crucial.  A love of cricket and knowledge of sports media useful, but not essential.

Click here to view job description.
Click here to download our Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.

How to apply

Please send the below to by 5pm on Thursday 12 May.

  • Current CV
  • Salary and package expectations
  • A press release (no more than 350 words) explaining why you have the experience and attitude needed to succeed in this challenging, high profile role