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Those donating to the appeal simply fill a shoebox full of gifts, which are subsequently wrapped

Warwickshire County Cricket Club Members have a chance to join players and club staff in supporting those in need over Christmas through the St Basils Shoebox Appeal.

St Basils, which supports young people and families at risk of homelessness, launched its Shoebox Appeal to support people at its centres across Birmingham and Warwickshire over the festive season. Those donating to the appeal simply fill a shoebox full of gifts, which are subsequently wrapped and given out on Christmas day.

Donating a shoebox full of gifts to young people and families is a wonderful initiative that we have championed with the generous support of our Members for the last two years.

Ravi Masih

Members in attendance at the club’s Christmas Carols service on Tuesday 11 December (1pm) can join club staff by bringing along a filled and wrapped Christmas shoebox. All shoeboxes will subsequently be delivered by members of the Warwickshire and Birmingham Bears playing squad in a visit to St Basils on Thursday 13 December.

Ravi Masih, Head of Community Engagement at Warwickshire CCC, said: “The festive season is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. However, unfortunately not everyone is able to celebrate as they would like and there are many individual and families who need our support.

“Donating a shoebox full of gifts to young people and families is a wonderful initiative that we have championed with the generous support of our Members for the last two years.

“Having been part of the Christmas visits to St Basils centres with the players, I have seen what a different the gifts can make in helping those in need enjoy the best Christmas possible. We’re very grateful to our players, staff and Members for donating to such a great cause.”

As part of the Christmas Shoebox Appeal, St Basils recommends donating the following gifts:

Young people aged 16-25:

  • Pair of colourful or patterned socks/ slipper socks
  • Toy/ hot water bottles
  • Picture frames
  • Puzzles
  • Small items of make up – such as an eye shadow/ a lipstick
  • Moisturing products such as lipsalves/ handcream
  • Gloves
  • Scarves
  • Mini umbrellas
  • Small items of colourful stationery
  • Small bags of sweets
  • Small bags of chocolates/ chocolate coins
  • Mini perfume/ aftershave set
  • Mini toiletries set
  • Nailclippers set
  • Fold-up brush/ mirrors/ combs
  • Coasters
  • Bracelets/ pendants
  • Keyrings

Babies and toddlers:

  • Plastic/ cardboard books
  • Teethers
  • Baby Brush/ comb set
  • Baby socks/ hats
  • Toys 0-6 months/ 6-12 months/ 12-24 months

Please do not include alcohol or anything sharp.