Coming out every Tuesday during the Vitality Blast season, The Bears PodBlast will be hosted by Olly and BBC WM sports presenter Richard Wilford, with each show delving inside the lives of the playing and coaching squad at Edgbaston during the T20 campaign.
In addition to Olly, other members of the Bears playing and coaching squad will feature as guests each week, with batsman Sam Hain and spinner Josh Poysden set to guest in episode one, which will be released online and available for download on Tuesday 3 July.
When this opportunity came up with BBC WM and Richard I thought it was a great collaboration. I can’t wait to hear people’s reactions to the podcast.
Oliver Hannon-Dalby, said: “I’ve been producing my own behind the scenes videos of the club’s last two pre-season tours which I loved doing, so when this opportunity came up with BBC WM and Richard I thought it was a great collaboration. I can’t wait to hear people’s reactions to the podcast.”
Richard, who has been a Bears fan for 45 years, comments; “It’s not every day you come up with an idea to hang around with some of your sporting heroes, mess about and get the lowdown on the players and what makes them tick, but here we are making it a reality.
“I don’t want to give too much away but what I can say is you will be laughing a lot every week, and we’ve shot some fun videos to go along with the PodBlast so listeners can really join in with some of our fun. It’s set to be a wicket download.”
Tom Rawlings, Head of Media Relations at Warwickshire CCC, said: “The Bears PodBlast is going to be different to anything that ourselves and BBC WM Sport have ever done before, giving a unique insight into our Vitality Blast campaign and hilarious weekly features.
“Olly has done a great job in producing his own behind the scenes video diary of the club’s last two pre-season tours, called OHD TV, whilst Richard has been following the team with BBC Radio WM for 25 years and was also watching the Bears fan long before.
“They will be a great combination to host the new PodBlast and we’re very excited about next week’s launch.”
Further details of how to download the Bears PodBlast will be available from with the first episode out on Tuesday 3 July.