Blast is back! Super Early Bird tickets from only £10 available until 31 March. Buy tickets.

We are thrilled to announce that our limited edition, exclusive Birmingham Bears Beer with our Official Ale Partners- Marston’s Brewery is back for 2017. This will once again be served in various Marston’s accounts all across the West Midlands with the ale being offered in more places than ever before. Please check out the map view at the end of the article to find your nearest Bears’ Beer. It will also be served to spectators on T20 matchday’s at the Bears home of Edgbaston Stadium.

The Taste…

Brewed locally in the spiritual home of brewing, Burton on Trent, this refreshing 4% golden ale created with English hops and pale ale malt presents a slight citrus after taste. The beer goes great alongside pasta dishes, fish dishes and a win from the Bears.

A chance to win T20 tickets…

When you purchase a pint of Birmingham Bears Beer you will receive a scratchcard which you scratch off to find out if you have won a pair of T20 tickets (which can be redeemed at selected fixtures) or a pair of tickets to Finals Day. In total there is 1900 tickets available!!

T20 Matchdays

We have a superb allocation of T20 matches this year, with all our matches falling over weekends. We have three Friday night fixtures, which are the ideal event to head down to after work with friends or colleagues. Grab a beer and find your seat in our Eric Hollies stand- renowed for the best atmosphere- the ideal way to kick off your weekend. With the action on the pitch not starting till 7.00pm on Friday’s there’s plenty of time to have a bear before the big hitting cricket starts!

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Find your closest Birmingham Bears Beer Location

All of the pin points (every colour) on the map below are where you can find the beer. Be sure to tag us on Twitter @bearst20 to be entered into our competition to win something extra special!