Warwickshire’s Inclusion Advisory Board has marked its first anniversary following a year that’s seen the Club connect with its communities more than ever before.

The 12-strong board includes representatives of the local community, faith groups and the nine protected characteristics.

They meet regularly to help shape the Club’s diversity promise and are a constant sounding board to ensure the stadium continues to be welcoming for all. 

It was one of the first such boards introduced by a county cricket club in England and Wales. 

Since its establishment Warwickshire staged its first Vaisakhi Cricket Cup – supported by Edgbaston MP Preet Gill – which saw almost 100 members of the Sikh community celebrate Vaisakhi with a fun cricket competition.

The indoor Ramadan League, now in its third year, was another success and the Club is organising the country’s first ever LGBTQ+ cricket competition – featuring sides from six county sides – on 11 June.

Board Chair Toyin Higgs said: “We’re a board of 12 with 12 differing perspectives covering the protected characteristics and much more. We’ve helped shape how we all think about cricket and invited the Club to think differently about the game in order to broaden its reach.

“I think the IAB has made inclusion visible and accessible at Edgbaston; we are a group open to listening and having new insight just as we’re prepared to undertake our roles as ambassadors, advocates and activists in the inclusion space.

“There’s no doubt we’ve been privileged to see how the Club has progressed from an inclusion perspective.

“We’ve made a great start in year one. I see it as an honour to be able to take this board into the next phase of our inclusion journey.”

Other inclusivity projects have seen the Club overhaul its youth trials process – with any child now able to try out by submitting video footage of them playing – while participation in the Club’s disability access team has increased.

The Club has also promoted its two Sensory Rooms at Edgbaston which are designed for neurodiverse children who need a relaxing space away from the crowd to regulate.

Chief Executive Stuart Cain, said: “We’ve come a long way in the last two years, really trying to live by our pledge to make Edgbaston a place for Everyone – whether you’re a player, member of staff, cricket fan or part of the local community.  

“We couldn’t have done this without the support and wise counsel of the Inclusion Advisory Board. Their knowledge and perspective has been invaluable.”

Early Bird tickets for T20 quarter-final

For a third year in a row, Bears have secured a home Vitality Blast quarter-final against Gloucestershire on Friday 6 September. And Early Bird tickets are on sale now.

Adults tickets are available for only £15 in this window, while Members and Season Pass holders are free. Window ends at midnight on 4 August.

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