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Vacancies – Warwickshire CCC Members’ Committee

Warwickshire CCC’s membership represents all walks of life from a diverse range of communities, united by a love of cricket and for the Bears. 

It is vital that the Club’s Board listens to its supporters, which is why a strong, vibrant and representative Members’ Committee is crucial.

We are actively recruiting for individuals to step forward and join the Members’ Committee for an initial three-year term.

The aims of the Members Committee are clear:

  • Ensure that the views of Members are heard and considered by the Board, which is responsible for the governance of the Club and its business;
  • Safeguard and promote the vision and culture of the Club;
  • Protect, preserve and celebrate the history and tradition of Warwickshire CCC, Edgbaston Stadium and the Edgbaston Community Sports Ground;
  • Protect, maintain and, where appropriate, develop and improve Members’ rights, facilities and benefits.

Marina Dorward is one of the most recent recruits to the Members’ Committee and describes her experience as follows:

“As a new Member of the committee, I was keen to make a meaningful contribution to the debate and decision making and I have been very impressed by my fellow committee members’ willingness to listen and take on board my views. I have also been really heartened by the passion shown by everyone towards the things that matter to members such as reflecting the history of the Club.”

Members of the Committee will be expected to attend the bi-monthly meets and to observe and promote the Club Values, which are:

  • Passion – for the Club, for our teams, for our venue and for the job that we do;
  • Respect – for our proud history and what we stand for as a Club, how we treat our people, our customers and our community;
  • Innovation – we are always prepared to challenge ourselves, be creative, learn from others, embrace change and evolve;
  • Diversity – in our people, our views and our attitude towards our customers, our stakeholders and our community;
  • Excellence – in everything that we do.

If you believe that you have the appropriate skills, experience, commitment and passion to help drive forward Warwickshire CCC Members’ Committee as an inclusive, community-minded leader within the West Midland’s sporting network, please contact Mike Williams (07812 490344) or Jeremy Payne (07771 604531) for an informal discussion.

The Club particularly wants to hear from people representing the many different communities that it serves, particularly those who can speak confidently on behalf of young people, women and the numerous ethnic and cultural groups that so positively make up the West Midlands and Warwickshire. Please do not be put off if you have never held a representative post before as the Club is actively seeking new ideas and perspectives. Where applicable, support and mentoring can be provided.

Successful applicants would be part of the Members’ Committee for an initial period of three years, with a maximum of three terms*. Initial applications should be received by midnight on Thursday 15 July.

For further written details and a short “Expression of Interest”, please complete the form below which will be submitted to our team. Alternatively, please contact Georgia Bekyra on or telephone 0121 446 3605.

*Please note that the Members’ Committee has an age rule in place, which requires Club Members who wish to stand to be aged under 70 at the time of the initial appointment or at the AGM.