Blast is back! Super Early Bird tickets from only £10 available until 31 March. Buy tickets.

The new Cricket Equipment shop in the Edgbaston Cricket Centre will be open on Saturday 8th April and will be promoting the new 2017 range of Gunn and Moore cricket equipment. From 1pm – 4pm, you will have the opportunity to try our any of the equipment in the nets before you buy it.

Gunn & Moore will be bringing along demo bats and equipment that you can test out in the nets before you buy from the cricket equipment shop based in the Centre.

There will be Gunn & Moores new range of bats for 2017 available and there will be a 20% discount on these for the day.

All other equipment such as pads, gloves and helmets, there will be 15% discount.

There will be expert advice on hand from cricket coaches and sales staff to guide on correct sizes and weights of equipment.

So don’t miss this unique equipment sale, come along and see us at the Cricket Centre on Saturday and take advantage of any deals before the start of your season.