Warwickshire County Cricket Club’s official charity is one of 83 organisations from across the UK who have signed the Vision for Literacy Business Pledge 2021 with a commitment to tackle low literacy, supporting the drive to raise literacy levels in our local community and contributing locally to the national campaign to raise literacy levels.

The pledge got underway with the National Literacy Trust’s ‘Words for Work’ programme, which saw Club and venue staff share their career journey and top tips for success with students from Joseph Chamberlain Sixth Form College.

As a charity linked with professional sport, the Edgbaston Foundation knows now, more than ever, that prompt action on literacy is vital in securing the economic future of the next generation. With research from KPMG estimating that literacy failure costs the UK economy £2.5 billion each year, improving literacy skills will be key driver in the post COVID-19 social and economic recovery.

This is why the Edgbaston Foundation is committed to working with other organisations to improve literacy levels both in order to help safeguard young people against future and current unemployment.

Click here to find out more about the Vision for Literacy Business Pledge 2021.