The Financial Conduct Authority has now approved for Warwickshire County Cricket Club to move forward with the changes to governance.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has now approved for Warwickshire County Cricket Club to move forward with the changes to governance, which were originally voted through by Club Members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 28 February.
The changes will see the current General Committee, Management Board and all sub committees disbanded in order to create a new Board of 10 members. The goal is that the Board Directors reflect diversity in gender, ethnicity and age to meet the demands of good corporate governance.
There will also be a Members’ Committee, of 10, established to promote and represent the views of the Membership, and ensure their interests are taken into account by the Board. As with the Board, there is a desire for the Members Committee to reflect the diversity of the membership as a whole.
Please note that there are currently vacancies on the new Members’ Committee and, until the end of August, the Club is undertaking a recruitment process to identify suitable candidates with the appropriate skills and expertise.