Following recent commitments to improve communication between the Club, Members' Committee and Members, a second Members' Forum has been confirmed and steps have been taken to improve the visibility of those Members that make up the elected Members' Committee.
With the season drawing to a close, and further consultation promised on the ECB’s Men’s High Performance Review, the Club has arranged a second Members’ Forum for Wednesday 26 October at 6.30pm.
This will be an opportunity to discuss Sir Andrew Strauss’ recommendations for the professional game with the Chief Executive and Chair, as well as discuss the Club’s performance over the 2022 season. Subject to availability, it is hoped that other members of the coaching and playing staff will also attend. Unfortunately, Paul Farbrace is unable to attend. All Members are welcome and further information will follow closer to the event.
Stuart Cain, Chief Executive said: “Our first discussions with the Members’ Committee and Members through the Forum held at lunch during the Somerset game were incredibly helpful. However, we’ve only been able to discuss concepts so far.
“ECB have now prepared their final recommendations, so this second Forum gives us the chance to have a more definitive conversation before further meetings with the Members’ Committee and Board, ahead of the County Chair’s vote.”
Any material changes to the domestic schedule will not be introduced until 2024, so Members are guaranteed the same levels of County Championship cricket in 2023 as they’ve enjoyed in 2022.
Men’s High Performance Review – VIEW REPORT
Men’s High Performance Review – ECB PRESS RELEASE
Members’ Committee to raise its profile amongst the Membership
As discussed at the recent Members’ Forum, following the appointment of a new Chair and elected representatives to the Members’ Committee, those involved have agreed to build stronger relationships with the Membership to ensure that their views are heard when discussing issues with the Club’s Chief Executive, Chair and Director of Cricket.
- A new web page has been launched, providing more information on those that sit on the Members’ Committee and their interests. Photographs will make it easier for Members to spot those elected to represent their views when in the Tom Dollery Lounge and David Heath Suite. Click here to view.
- A special email address has also been created, allowing Members to contact those on the Members’ Committee to discuss any issues, ideas or observations. This is listed on the Member’s Committee webpage, but those wishing to contact elected representatives should email: memberscommittee@edgbaston.com.
- Biographies and photographs will also be displayed on the Notice Boards in the Tom Dollery Lounge and David Heath Suite, increasing visibility of those that sit on the Members’ Committee.
- Those sitting on the Members’ Committee have agreed to spend more time in the Member Lounges next season, giving people the chance to have informal conversations and ensure that those on the Committee feel connected to the Membership and their views.
Said Iftkhar Ahmed, Chair of the Members’ Committee said: “We do already have strong links with the Membership, and the recent Forum on the High Performance Review demonstrated that the views of the Committee are broadly aligned to those of the wider Membership.
“However, we recognise that it’s important that the Membership feels connected to the Committee and that those representing the Membership are known and visible around the Club. These measures will help achieve this.”
Cain added: “When the Club’s Rules were changed in 2018, the Members’ Committee was set up as the official forum for ensuring that the views of the Membership were heard by the Board and the Executive, so I fully support anything which improves the connection and flow of information, thoughts and feedback between the Committee and those that support and watch the Club through thick and thin.”