We are thrilled to once again dedicate our opening home Birmingham Bears game to All Stars 2019 participants to support and reward young cricketers in the region, aged five to eight-years-old.
The Bears take on Leicestershire Foxes at Edgbaston on Sunday 21 July, 2.30pm start, and all registered All Stars participants in Warwickshire, Staffordshire and the surrounding areas can get get adult tickets for only £10 for this match, while under 16s go FREE.
And there will be lots going on around the ground on the day including:
- Kids Zone activities
- FREE family entertainment including inflatables and face painting
- Meet Hugh Bear, Carmen Bear and Twinkle
- FREE giveaways
- Live music
- Post-match player signing session
Chris Kenny, All Stars Cricket Development Manager at the Warwickshire Cricket Board, said: “We’re delighted that the Birmingham Bears will again be dedicating their first game in 2019 to our All Stars participants.
“The All Stars programme continues to grow in popularity with over 2,000 five to eight-year-olds at over 90 clubs in the region enjoying a a first introduction to cricket in a fun, safe and inclusive environment. Numbers are set to get even bigger, with more clubs in Birmingham and Warwickshire taking part this summer.
“Opening the Vitality Blast at Edgbaston with All Stars Day will be a great event, and we’re keen to see as many youngsters as possible here wearing their All Stars t-shirts.”
There will also be live music, free face painting and the Bears Kids Zone, which includes a range of giant inflatables and games available for young supporters to try for free.
How To Claim Your £10 Tickets
An exclusive promo code will be sent to all All Star participants via email in May. You can then use this promo code online at checkout to purchase tickets for only £10.
Yet to receive the promo code? Speak to your All Stars Activator, email t20@edgbaston.com or complete the form below.
Please note; tickets must be purchased in advance of the day. All Stars participants will be required to wear their All Stars T-Shirt on the day of the match.
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An All Stars Activator?
Please see below link to download the printable flyer to circulate at your club.