Blast is back! Super Early Bird tickets from only £10 available until 31 March. Buy tickets.

See you soon…

We look forward to welcoming you to Edgbaston Stadium. The following information will help make the most of your visit. Here are some top tips.

  • Plan your journey to and from Edgbaston in advance.
  • Leave the car at home and use public transport wherever possible, there are many great rail and public bus routes.
  • Arrive early, have you tickets ready via the Edgbaston app and allow enough time for getting into the stadium.
  • Download the Edgbaston app to make the most of your visit.
  • Read and follow our Spectator Code of Conduct at all times.

If you have a question about your visit, take a moment to visit our Help Centre.

All Ground Regulations apply. If you have any questions ahead of your visit to Edgbaston, please email

Get to the ground