“Cricket Without Limits”

A colleague championed that phrase, cricket without limits, when we were discussing the impact of our work: and it really stuck with us and has become our mantra.

Our mission is to provide diverse, high-quality opportunities for people in Warwickshire and Birmingham to engage with the many facets of the cricket world.

Our vision is to be a leading force in making cricket accessible and enriching for all people Warwickshire and Birmingham fostering a deeper connection with the sport’s diverse opportunities, both on and off the pitch.

We’re the community team of Warwickshire County Cricket Club, a key part of the organisation based at Edgbaston Stadium. We share and champion the same values as the county club which are: Passion, Respect, Innovation, Diversity, Excellence.

We work hard to ensure that these PRIDE values are represented in the programmes we deliver and across all of our initiatives so that we make a difference locally through the power of sport and physical exercise.



Upskill and strengthen career options by accessing paid and volunteering opportunities


Women & Girls

Championing female engagement at all levels of our work, targeting activity to benefit the needs of women and girls specifically



Engage and support those with a wide range of accessibility needs through varied playing and social opportunities


Clubs and Hubs

Ensure our leagues and competitions are sustainable, inclusive and easily accessible to all


Diverse Communities

Traditionally excluded communities targeted for support, led by reflective role models who represent the communities we seek to serve



School-aged children benefit from accessing our varied and easily accessible cricket opportunities